And then you (a prayer)

We arrange our lives as best we can, to keep your holiness at bay,
     with our pieties,
     our doctrines,
     our liturgies,
     our moralities,
     our secret ideologies,
         Safe, virtuous, settled.

And then you –
     you and your dreams,
     you and your visions,
     you and your purposes,
     you and your commands,
     you and our neighbors.

We find your holiness not at bay,
     but probing, pervading, insisting, demanding.

And we yield, sometimes gladly, sometimes resentfully, sometimes later…          or soon.

We yield because you, beyond us, are our God. We are your creatures met by your holiness, by your holiness made our true selves

And we yield. Amen

(Walter Brueggemann, Awed to Heaven, Rooted to Earth [2003])

One thought on “And then you (a prayer)

  1. hmm…sobering, honest, and freeing. i’ve been in awe of just how much God desires us to be truly human, as we discover more and more what that means. i say that in the context of my old testament class. we talked about how the 10 commandments are a charter of freedom versus how we would be inclined to think of them (rigid, restricting, etc). again, i marvel at God’s character in Scripture. that he would be so mysterious and powerful, yet so concerned that we become who he originally intended us to be…and that he would do that as we encounter his holiness.

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