Theological Knick Knacks

Good evening, friends. I hope you’re hanging in there. All is well with us. As our tulips grow weary, the dogwoods, redbuds, some lilies, etc. are bursting forth in glorious color and aroma. What a gift.

Anyhow, I am also delighted by the magnificent bloom of opportunities to engage in worship and theological learning with folks who you would otherwise, most of the time anyhow, need to pay tuition or airfare to hang with. I thought I’d highlight some of those opportunities along with other resources I’ve been enjoying in these troubling times.

Enjoy. And, please, share more in the comments below.

Every blessing,

Will Willimon and Stanley Hauerwas discussing Barth’s Dogmatics in Outline. This hasn’t technically started yet. But it will next week. So, get reading. Tuesdays at 10am starting May 5th.

Douglas Campbell discussion and Q&A on Pauline Dogmatics. I’ve been posting about this book since the beginning of the year. The sessions introduce you to the personality behind the book, which makes it a more enjoyable read. One chapter a week. Thursdays at 2pm.

On his blog, Malcolm Guite is offering Sunday evensong services (with preaching and poems) as well as, what he is calling, “Quarantine Quatrains.” He’s also been posting delightful videos of him in his office. My daughter now asks for “Malcolm” if she sees my computer open, having watched his smoke rings video. (Judge me if you must.)

Amy Laura Hall was on a Christianity Today podcast speaking about Julian of Norwich; C. Kavin Rowe published a moving meditation here and a lengthier bit about Christianity’s surprise here; Stanley Hauerwas participated in an engaging interview with Plough. (You could probably just visit the Duke Divinity “Faculty in the Media” page. No apologies here. The DDS faculty are composing faithful and useful pieces for this season.) I’ve also really enjoyed following W. David O. Taylor specifically on Twitter. I also discovered the strange phenomenon of Episcopalian priests on Twitter. As quirky as it sounds, and sometimes really edifying, too.

I am also piecing together an Eastertide playlist on Spotify. Suggestions are welcome.

I’ll leave you with a video of my friend and congregant, Alyssa, singing a four-part harmony of the Doxology in our church’s sanctuary. Listen to the natural reverb from our wooden ceilings. How joyful a day it will be when the whole gathered body once again lets their praise rise into those vaulted wooden ceilings!

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